' An example of this is when the user is installing
' the main product to drive D:, but the Windows
' directory is on drive c:
' -----------------------------------------
If winDrive$ = destDrive$ Then
If destSpaceFree < totalNeeded Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + destDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(totalNeeded - destSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$
GoTo ErrorSetup
End If
If winSpaceFree < WINSYSNEEDED Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + winDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(WINSYSNEEDED - winSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$
GoTo ErrorSetup
End If
If destSpaceFree < OTHERNEEDED Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + destDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(OTHERNEEDED - destSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$
MsgBox "Before you can run a Visual Basic ODBC application using the SQL Server driver, you must first update the ODBC catalog of stored procedures. These procedures are provided in the INSTCAT.SQL file. Typically, the system administrator for SQL Server should install these procedures, using the SQL Server ISQL utility."